Journal's peer review process

All manuscripts submitted to Smart Medicine Journal undergo a rigorous, fair, and constructive peer review process. Research articles are evaluated by at least two expert referees in the relevant field. Our esteemed editorial board invites qualified reviewers, drawing from our extensive network of academics and specialists worldwide. 

The peer review is double-blinded, maintaining author and referee anonymity to ensure an objective process focused solely on the study's scientific merit. Reviewers thoroughly assess the work for accuracy, validity, novelty, and impact. We request prompt critiques addressing strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Based on the detailed feedback, our editors carefully deliberate and determine whether to reject, accept, or ask authors to revise and resubmit the manuscript. This enables even promising articles to benefit from enhancements. By maintaining thorough, ethical peer review, we fulfill our commitment to disseminating only well-vetted, high-quality biomedical research.