About the journal's scope

Smart Medicine Journal publishes high-quality, original research and review articles that advance knowledge across the full spectrum of epidemiology, biomedicine, and interdisciplinary healthcare sciences.

Our scope encompasses population-level epidemiological studies, clinical trials, translational research, public health interventions, healthcare policy assessments, and more. We welcome submissions related to disease etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, health services, health systems, and global health.

Research articles constitute our core content. We feature empirical studies utilizing robust experimental designs and methodologies which substantially contribute to the evidence base. Review articles provide authoritative syntheses of current knowledge on topics of significant interest.

Case reports, clinical images, and original observations from practitioners are also considered. Furthermore, we publish commentaries and editorials providing insights and perspectives on the latest research developments, issues, and policies.

By covering an extensive range of rigorous, ethical studies across biomedicine, Smart Medicine Journal showcases pioneering work from around the world to educate scholars and professionals. Our editorial team ensures the content is relevant, impactful, and actionable.